A list of all past and current aircraft in service with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF).
18 x F-16C/D (Block 52+) (Order for further 8 F-16C/D was placed however not materialized due to impossible conditions by US Senate defense committee)
13 x F-16A/B ADF
36 x JF-17A (Block 2)
PAF plans to induct a total of 250 JF-17s. First batch of 50 Block 1 JF-17s to be upgraded to Block 2 standard. Third batch of 50 JF-17s will be Block 3. A total of 2 JF-17s have crashed since its induction in 2007.
30 x Super Mushshak
Some MFI-17 Mushshak to be upgraded to Super Mushshak standard.