This is a list of episodes for the anime adaptation of Wolf's Rain. The series was created by Keiko Nobumoto and BONES and directed by Tensai Okamura. Originally broadcast across Japan on Fuji TV and the anime CS television network, Animax, between January 6, 2003 and July 29, 2003, it ran for a full season of 26 episodes, with four more OVA episodes being released on DVD in Japan, in January and February 2004, completing the story.
All of the music used in Wolf's Rain soundtrack was composed and arranged by Yoko Kanno, with vocals provided by various artists, including Maaya Sakamoto, Ilaria Graziano, Steve Conte, and Joyce. While most anime series use primarily Japanese language themes, both the opening and ending themes for this series are performed in English. Written by Tim Jensen and performed by Steve Conte, the song "Stray" is used as the opening theme for the first 25 episodes and the second OVA episode. The other three OVA episodes do not have any opening sequences at all. "Gravity", written by Troy and performed by Maaya Sakamoto, is used as the closing theme for the first 25 episodes and the first three OVA episodes. The 26th episode uses a different ending theme, the song "Tell Me What The Rain Knows", written by Chris Mosdell and performed by Sakamoto. For the final OVA episode, the original opening, "Stray" is used to close the series.
In another variation from most anime series, the title screens for each episode appear at the end of the episode rather than near the beginning. As the episode ends, but before the ending theme is played, the title is displayed in white kanji on a black screen. In the Bandai Region 1 release, the English title is added to the top center of the screen, also in white.