Winx Club is an Italian animated series which premiered on 28 January 2004 on Rai 2 and was later moved to Rai Gulp midway through season 6. The series involves Bloom, who is an ordinary 16-year-old girl from Earth, who finds out she is a powerful fairy. Together with an ever expanding circle of friends, including fellow fairies Stella, Aisha/Layla, Flora, Musa and Tecna, she deals not only with the challenges of growing up different, but also learning how to use her new-found powers against those who either want to destroy her, take her power for their own, or both.
In the United States, this show was licensed by 4Kids Entertainment, which aired and dubbed the first three seasons of the show on Fox's Fox Box, renamed 4Kids TV programming blocks from 2004 to 2007. In 2010, Nickelodeon acquired the rights to localize the series across the United States. Nick created four one-hour specials to summarize seasons 1 and 2, and re-dubbed seasons 3 and 4. Nick also co-produced the fifth and sixth seasons. On 26 July 2015, broadcasts of the show were moved to Nick Jr. On 23 August 2016, Nick Jr. no longer started airing reruns of the show. on 20 November 2016, Iginio Straffi announced that Season 8 will air in 2018.
A seemingly ordinary 16-year-old girl named Bloom travels with Stella to the Magic Dimension to study at Alfea School for Fairies. She meets her apartment mates: Flora, Musa and Tecna. She also learns about the two other schools in Magix: Red Fountain, the all-boys school for Specialists where she meets Brandon (Prince Sky), and Cloud Tower, the school for witches which is where the Trix- Icy, Darcy and Stormy- attend. The Trix are the main villains in the first season.
The second season introduces Aisha (named Layla in the 4Kids and Rai English versions), the Fairy of Waves, and princess of the distant watery world of Andros (called The Realm of Tides in the 4Kids version). The newly expanded Winx Club face a new villain, Lord Darkar, who has the Trix become his helpful allies and loyal minions. They also meet the Pixies of Pixie Village, who they each bond with psionically. As sophomore students, the six Winx Club girls will earn their Charmix powers; a secondary fairy evolution that greatly amplifies a fairy's unique magical powers and spells tenfold, which is achieved when a fairy does something that will help her get in touch with her true self.