The Mysteries of Laura is an American police procedural comedy-drama television series developed by Jeff Rake and executive-produced Greg Berlanti and McG. The series premiered on September 17, 2014, on NBC. The Mysteries of Laura stars Debra Messing in the lead role of Detective Laura Diamond, a New York City homicide detective who balances her day job with off-duty hours as a single mother of two unruly sons. On May 8, 2015, The Mysteries of Laura was renewed for a second season of 13 episodes, which premiered on September 23, 2015. On November 9, 2015, NBC ordered three additional episodes for the second season. On May 14, 2016, NBC canceled the show after two seasons. During the course of the series, 38 episodes of The Mysteries of Laura aired.
A sex scandal rocks the campaign of an influential congressman, Laura is then tasked with finding out the truth. However, when a curve ball is thrown their way, the 2nd precinct must explore the online gaming world to stop the perp.
Religion becomes a factor when Laura and the detectives investigate the murder of a couple. Meanwhile Laura and Jake's search for a replacement nanny brings them face to face with someone familiar.
A chef at a restaurant is murdered and dumped into a garbage chute. Meanwhile, Laura meets someone new.
Laura is forced to reunite with her ex-boyfriend Dr. Andrew Devlin as she investigates a murder in which he is involved.
Laura has to deal with a personal crisis as she investigates the murder of a teacher's aide.
A club patron's death is linked to jewelry heists in the Diamond District so the detectives must halt a thievery ring in order to solve a murder. Meanwhile, Jake breaks divorced-parent protocols, leading Laura to reexamine her involvement with Tony.
A young filmmaker is murdered, and an inexperienced detective causes problems with the investigation as Laura and the team search for the killer. At the end of the episode, Jake tries to thwart a bodega robbery and gets shot.
Jake is in critical condition as Laura and the team attempt to find the person who shot him.
A recovered Jake returns to work, but finds his office has been overtaken by the obnoxious Captain Santiani (Callie Thorne), who now refuses to leave. Laura and the team investigate the kidnapping of a young boy, whom they find was adopted illegally by his parents. Jake decides to take a demotion to Senior Detective in order to remain at the precinct.