The Dumping Ground is a British children's comedy-drama that focuses on the lives and experiences of young people and their care workers in care. Filmed around Jesmond, the setting for the first series was 'Elm Tree House', which was later replaced with 'Ashdene Ridge' from the second series onwards. A spin-off to Tracy Beaker Returns, the series was commissioned in early 2012 and first broadcast on CBBC and the now-defunct BBC HD on 4 January 2013. As of 12 February 2016[update], 79 episodes of The Dumping Ground have aired.
After the end of the episode The End Of It All in series 4, a five minute crossover between The Dumping Ground and Hetty Feather aired on CBBC, titled A Special Dumping Ground Adventure. Its official title (according to CBBC Online) is Floss The Foundling and has instead used this title online and in subsequent TV airings.
When Floss has to do the vacuuming. she ruins a picture that Tyler, Billie and Toni work on when they don't want her help. Floss falls asleep on the sofa and ends up in the Foundling Hospital. She encounters Hetty Feather, who introduces Floss to the Foundling Hospital ways. Sheila and Elizabeth are mean towards Floss and Hetty gets Floss out of trouble with Matron Bottomley. Floss and Hetty make friends. When Floss wakes up, she draws a replacement picture.
It was announced back in July 2016 that CBBC had ordered a further 48 episodes to air between 2018-2019 taking the series up to series seven.