Superstore is an American comedy television series created by Justin Spitzer, which premiered on NBC on November 30, 2015. The series stars America Ferrera, Ben Feldman, Lauren Ash, Colton Dunn, Nico Santos, Nichole Bloom and Mark McKinney as a group of employees working at a fictional big-box store called "Cloud 9" set in St. Louis, Missouri.
On February 23, 2016, NBC renewed Superstore for a second season with a special "Olympic themed" episode airing on August 19, 2016 following the 2016 Summer Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. The season premiered on September 22, 2016.
As of May 4, 2017[update], 33 episodes of Superstore have aired, concluding the second season. On February 14, 2017, NBC renewed the series for a 22-episode third season.