Stella is a British comedy-drama created and written by David Peet and Ruth Jones who plays the lead role of Stella. Stella is one of the flagship television comedy series that has been commissioned and aired on Sky1. The series is largely filmed in Ferndale in the Rhondda Valley in Wales. Just as the show reached halfway through the first series, it was confirmed that a second series was commissioned and premiered on 11 January 2013. Just before the second series even aired, Sky recommissioned the show for a third series and premiered on 24 January 2014 with a Christmas Special to follow on 22 December 2014. As the show reached halfway through the third series, it was confirmed that a fourth series was commissioned and premiered on 6 February 2015. After the fourth series concluded, it was confirmed that a fifth series was commissioned and premiered on 12 January 2016. Ruth Jones confirmed to the TV magazine Radio Times, that a Christmas special will air in 2016.
Fortysomething single mother Stella tries on her 16-year-old daughter's clothes and make-up in an attempt to make herself more glamorous, but the fun comes to an end when she makes a startling discovery. Later, a drunken night out intended to cheer her up ends in disaster when she returns home to a bombshell from one of her children.
The single mum struggles to come to terms with the seriousness of her daughter's relationship with Sunil following Emma's shock announcement, and a meeting with his parents fails to ease her concerns. Meanwhile, Paula's stolen hearse turns up sporting a new look, before Harley-riding Sean comes to the rescue when Stella suffers car trouble of her own.
The people of Pontyberry attend the funeral of local rugby legend Dick the Kick, and Emma is forced to make sacrifices ahead of her wedding day. Jagadeesh excitedly plans Sunil's Grease-themed stag weekend and Stella saves up to buy bunk beds for her boys. The funeral includes cameo appearances as themselves by Neil Kinnock, Warren Gatland, Eamonn Holmes, Colin Jackson and Gethin Jones along with Welsh rugby internationals Colin Charvis, Mike Phillips, Graham Price, Gareth Thomas and Shane Williams.