Spider-Man, also known as Spider-Man: The Animated Series is an American animated television series featuring the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man. The show was produced by Marvel Films Animation as part of Fox Network's "Fox Kids" Saturday morning line up. It was written by John Semper Jr. and was animated by Tokyo Movie Shinsha with Korean studios.
The series began airing on Fox on November 19, 1994. It ran for five seasons and finished on January 31, 1998, with a total of 65 episodes.
Spider-Man finds his powers enhanced by his new suit, which he finds can shape shift into other clothing and create its own webbing. He focuses his attention on Eddie Brock and Jonah Jameson and warns Jameson to call off his reward, also mentioning Rhino and how Brock neglected to mention him. After Jonah visits his hospitalized son, Jameson finds out from him that Brock was lying and fires him. He also calls off the manhunt for Spider-Man.
Each individual title had the "Neogenic Nightmare" chapter prefix to it.
Dr. Mariah Crawford has developed a cure for Spidey's disease, but she's reluctant to give an untested serum to Spider-Man that may result in permanent loss of his powers or worse. But after an angry outburst from Spider-Man, she hands it over. Peter, at the ESU lab, is secretly observed by Michael Morbius, who then swipes the infected blood sample after Peter leaves for the night.
An increasingly desperate Spider-Man drinks the serum designed to cure him, but it makes him grow four extra arms. Marvel anti-hero Punisher thinks Spider-Man is a crook and chases him around. Spider-Man finds out that Michael Morbius has turned into a vampire and is draining people's blood to survive. Spider-Man wants to help Michael, but the Punisher is trying to get rid of Spider-Man at the same time.
An ancient artifact known as the Tablet of Time has been uncovered. Kingpin wants to sell it, while elderly Silvermane wants to use it to restore his youth. Each crime lord kidnaps a useful hostage and a useless hostage.
With the Tablet of Time, Silvermane's youth is restored, but he continues to grow younger until he finally becomes an infant. Surprisingly, the Tablet is even able to revert The Lizard back to Dr. Conners. As the ordeal has caused his wife to leave him, Kingpin orders the Tablet gotten rid of.