Spartacus is a set of Starz television series that focuses on the historical figure of Spartacus, a Thracian gladiator who from 73 to 71 BC led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. Executive producers Steven S. DeKnight and Robert Tapert focused on structuring the events of Spartacus' obscure early life leading to the records of history. This article serves as a list of characters for the television series.
A Thracian who becomes a gladiator in the ludus of Lentulus Batiatus. Spartacus disobeyed an order by legatus Gaius Claudius Glaber who refused to send his men to protect Spartacus' village. Spartacus' wife, Sura is condemned to slavery, and Spartacus is taken to Rome to be executed in the games by Glaber. Instead of dying, Spartacus kills the gladiators sent to kill him, and as a result Spartacus cannot be executed: Glaber would lose faith with the people, as Spartacus has become popular with the crowd. Batiatus purchases Spartacus to either win patronage from Glaber by having him killed, or use the Thracian's popularity for his own ends. Batiatus makes a deal with Spartacus that if he continues to fight for Batiatus, he will find Spartacus' wife for him; however, she is brought to the ludus dying from an apparent attack. It is revealed immediately afterwards that Batiatus had Sura murdered so Spartacus would stay at the ludus, as he would have no reason to gain his freedom. Eventually Spartacus finds out, and at a party to announce Batiatus' pursuit of political office, Spartacus leads a slave revolt that kills Batiatus and all the people in attendance. After she helped him escape the ludus, Mira became Spartacus' lover, until she came to realize he would never love her the way she loved him. Spartacus eventually has an army of hundreds of thousands of freed slaves, who free one city after another. The tensions between him and Crixus heat up again when Crixus wishes to take their army to Rome, whereas Spartacus would head up to the mountains. He also becomes involved with a former Roman woman named Leata, who now stands slave with the rest of his people. Spartacus hosts a series of games like the ones he used to fight in, to honor Crixus after his death. In the final battle against Crassus, Spartacus leads his people into the fight, and has Gannicus with another group approach from behind. Although they seem to be fighting their way through the army at first, the rebels eventually start to fall one by one. Spartacus then faces off with Crassus, but when he finally has the Roman on his knees, Spartacus is struck from behind, when three spears pierce his body. Agron and others come to his rescue and take him away before Crassus can kill him, but Spartacus has been mortally wounded, and asks his friends to move on without him. He then dies in the hands of Agron, longing to see his wife again. He is buried at the foot of the mountain, with Agron's shield as a gravestone. Coincidentally, the shield has a red serpent on it, thus making Sura's prediction about Spartacus falling before the great, red serpent, come true.