Shark Tank is an American reality television series produced by Mark Burnett. The show features a panel of potential venture capital investors, called "sharks", that considers offers from aspiring entrepreneurs seeking investments for their business or product. A one-hour pitch by the entrepreneur is edited down to "a dramatic 10-minute segment" for the episode. The entrepreneur can make a deal if one or more of the sharks are willing to meet or exceed the full investment amount they asked for. If all of the sharks opt out the entrepreneur leaves empty-handed.
As of October 22, 2017,[update] 180 episodes of Shark Tank have aired. In 2015 a companion spin-off series called Beyond the Tank premiered which follows up on some of the businesses that have appeared on the show.
"Yes" means one or more Sharks initiated a deal; it may or may not be finalized after completing a due diligence process.
Kevin Harrington, Daymond John, Kevin O'Leary, Barbara Corcoran, and Robert Herjavec appear as the sharks in every episode this season.
This is Kevin Harrington's last season as a shark. Comedian Jeff Foxworthy appeared as a guest shark in two episodes this season. Mark Cuban appeared as a shark in several episodes this season; in season three he would become a regular.
Lori Greiner appeared as a shark in several episodes this season; in season four she would become a regular.
From this season on, as well as retroactively, Mark Cuban insisted that the production company relinquish its equity clause (two percent of their profits or five percent equity in their company) with respect to featured businesses who choose to do a deal with the sharks.
John Paul Mitchell Systems co-founder John Paul DeJoria and New York Giants owner Steve Tisch appeared as guest sharks this season.