This is a list of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger episodes. Each episode is called an Act (幕 Maku). Each episode is also titled entirely in kanji, with furigana readings given for each.
On August 6, 2010, TV Asahi aired special editions of episodes 1 and 2 of Shinkenger with some previously unseen footage cut from the original airing of the two episodes, referring to these two episodes as "Special Versions" (特別版 Tokubetsuban).
While Takeru and the other vassals are preparing a surprise birthday party for Kotoha, Genta sees that the Ebi Origami is almost ready to be mobilized. The party preparations are interrupted by the Ayakashi Utakasane attacks the city and devours people's souls. Genta arrives late to the battle after encountering Juzo, who he believes to be a food critic. By the time he reaches the battle, Kotoha's soul has been stolen by the Ayakashi, leaving her comatose, with just one day left to live. Despite the male Shinkengers' attempt to stop him, Utakasane retreats into the Sanzu River. The next day, Kotoha regains consciousness just long enough to acknowledge her impending death. An enraged Chiaki tries to force Utakasane to return, but he is unsuccessful. As Takeru, Mako, and Ryunosuke catch up to Chiaki, Juzo arrives and tells them that they can enter the Sanzu River by giving up their humanity and becoming Gedonin, just as he had. The four are tempted with the idea if it means saving Kotoha and the other victims, but Genta arrives with an alternate plan to both drag out Utakasane and bring Ebi Orgami to life. Using Modikara, the group manages to bring Utakasane back into their world to destroy him before he has the chance to escape. When the Ayakashi revives as a giant, Genta enters the Ebi Origami to battle against the giant Utakasane and his Ōnanashi minions. He transforms the Ebi Origami into Daikaioh and, with assistance from DaiTenku, destroys Utakasane, freeing all of the souls to return to their bodies. That evening, Kotoha's birthday party goes on without a hitch.