Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television series produced by Astley Baker Davies. The show features the eponymous pig along with her family and friends. Each episode is approximately five minutes long and there have been five seasons to date. Peppa Pig has been broadcast in over 180 countries.
As of 31 October 2016[update], 218 episodes of Peppa Pig have aired.
The following tables list with details the episodes for the children's television programme Peppa Pig, which were first broadcast in the UK on Channel 5 or Nick Jr., starting in 2003. Each episode is approximately five minutes long, except for a 10-minute "Special" ("Peppa's Christmas") and two 15-minute "Specials" ("The Golden Boots") and ("Around The World with Peppa"). This list also includes upcoming episodes.
The "DVD reference" column in the episode lists is used to relate an episode to the DVD volume(s) on which it can be found (e.g. episode 10 in series 1 "Gardening" has a DVD reference of 1.09, which indicates that the episode is track 9 on primary DVD volume 1). A prefix of "NP" (e.g. NP1.01) indicates the episode is the first episode on "Non-Primary" DVD 1.
George finds a spider in the bathroom sink, but Peppa is really frightened - until she realises that it doesn't want to hurt her.
The following tables list the new DVD releases for the UK. When applicable, the list includes DVDs that are known to be due for release soon. All UK DVD releases are in 16:9 widescreen format.
A "Primary DVD" is defined as a DVD that includes at least one episode not previously released on DVD.
Note that in the "list of episodes"
Except as indicated below, all the episodes on a primary DVD are "new to DVD" when the DVD was released.
These are new DVD releases where the DVD includes only episodes that have already been released to DVD (i.e. it is not a "Primary" DVD). The episodes in these DVDs are included in the DVD Reference field in the main table listings, but with a prefix of "NP" (="Non-Primary").
Most of the primary DVDs have been re-released, either singly or in combination, as follows
A free Peppa Pig DVD (containing the four episodes "Mummy Pig at Work", "Frogs and Worms and Butterflies", "Secrets" and "Muddy Puddles") was released by the Daily Mirror on 13 September 2006, as part of a children's DVD promotion.