Maisy is a British-American animated children's television series based on the book series by Lucy Cousins. It aired on Nick Jr. block on Nickelodeon in the United States, and on CITV in the United Kingdom. The series consisted of 104 segments that aired over 26 episodes from February 11, 1999 to November 2, 2000. Then, on November 22, 2001, with the home video release of Maisy's Farm an additional 4 segments were released, bringing the total number of episodes to 27 and the number of segments to 108, although the last four segments from Maisy's Farm were never aired on TV.
Never seen on television. Reusing various episodes that are slightly edited, Maisy looks at all the letters in the alphabet with the help of her friends and her ABC book. Each letter is presented in both capital and lowercase in the famous Lucy Cousins font and introduced by both its name and its sound.