This is a list of episodes of Koihime Musō, a Japanese anime television series based on the visual novel of the same name. The Koihime Musou anime began airing in Japan on July 8 and ended on September 23, 2008, on Tokyo MX TV and the Chiba TV. This was followed by an OVA released on April 1, 2009.
Aisha walks out of the cave that she Rinrin and Shuri slept where she finds herself in battle between Bandits and Militias. Immediately both she and Rinrin fight the off the bandits which forces the bandits to retreat. After the battle, the commander of the Militia's introduced himself as Ryūbi (Real name Gentoku) and thanks the girls for their help. He realize that Aisha is the Black hair Beauty bandit Fighter which at first she thinks he will question her beauty and is surprised and embarrassed when he says the stories of her beauty are true. At the village of Touka, the feudal lord explain how Ryūbi who claims to be a descendant of Liu Sheng, with his followers came to his village to help them fight against the bandits which he agree by helping him form an army. Unfortunately Ryūbi's army was defeated 7 times which at one point the lord was thinking of kicking him out the village should he lose again.
Ryūbi and his army attend an imperial war meeting between other loyalist army commanders hosted by the Commander-in-Chief of Imperial forces, General Kashin to discuss the recent uprisings the empire is facing. Rinrin stays back after getting a fever with Shuri staying to take care of her. During the meeting, General Kashin ask on how to defeat an army of rebels who have fortify a mountain. Sōsō suggests a Siege strategy where they will cut off the rebels supply routes to deprived them of supplies which will starve them and affect their morale and an offer of clemency to those who surrender. But Kashin is not interested of showing mercy to the rebels and wants them to be eliminated quickly as a lesson to others. Ryūbi takes the offer to fight them head-on with the promise of bringing the leaders head. Kashin, impress of his willingness, agrees to give him the mission and reward him as her aide in the government if he succeeds. Meanwhile, the bandits that Ryūbi's army defeated have united and launched a surprise attacked on Touka to get their revenge.
When news of the attack reaches Ryūbi, Aisha suggest to immediately go back and save the village. But Ryūbi decides to abandon Touka and focus on the fighting the rebels and seducing Aisha to join him. Realizing that Ryūbi never care about the people and was more interested in power, she slaps him and goes to Touka to save her friends with Bachō following her. Bachō asks Sōsō for help but she refuse citing Aisha foolishness to follow Ryūbi but when Bachō begs on her knees, she tells Shunran to lead the Black Riders cavalry unit on "reconnaissance" at Touka. At Touka, the defenders and villagers are forced to fall back into the lord's mansion. When the bandits finally breach the mansion gates, they are stop by a sick but angry Rinrin who declares that no one shall pass through. Just as Rinrin reaches her limit, Aisha finally arrives and helps Rinrin defend the gate. Together with the help of Kōchū and Sei, the arrival of Bachō, Shunra and the Black Riders, the bandits are quickly defeated.