This is a list of episodes for the anime series Knights of Sidonia based on a manga by Tsutomu Nihei, and produced by Polygon Pictures. Directed by Kobun Shizuno, assisted by Hiroyuki Seshita, with scripts by Sadayuki Murai and character design by Yuki Moriyama. The first season is also localized and streamed by Netflix at all its territories since July 4, 2014. It is noteworthy as the first Anime title on Netflix to be available in Dolbly Vision/HDR (High Dynamic Range). The opening song for the first season is "Sidonia" by angela and the ending song is "Show" (掌) by Eri Kitamura. A second season started airing on April 10, 2015, with Kishi Kōshinkyoku (騎士行進曲 Knight March) by angela as the opening song and "Requiem" by CustomiZ as the ending song. The second season was released on Netflix on July 3, 2015.