Ikki Tousen is an anime television series based on the manga by Yuji Shiozaki, published by Wani Books and serialized in the seinen manga magazine Comic GUM. The anime is produced by J.C. Staff, directed by Takashi Watanabe, series composition by Takao Yoshioka, music by Hiroshi Motokura and Project IKKI, characters by Shinya Hasegawa, and produced by Nobuhiro Osawa and Yuji Matsukura. The series revolves around an all-out turf war in the Kanto region of Japan where fighters from seven schools battle for supremacy, and the story centers on Hakufu Sonsaku, a fighter from the West who transfers to Nanyo Academy. The anime is loosely based on the Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the characters in the series are based on the characters from the Three Kingdoms novel.
The series aired 13 episodes on AT-X from July 30 to October 22, 2003, with subsequent runs on TVK, Mie TV, Chiba TV, TV Saitama, and Sun Television. Seven DVD volumes were released by Media Factory between November 22, 2003 and May 25, 2004. A DVD box set was later released on January 25, 2008, and a Blu-ray box set will be released on April 27, 2011. The series was licensed in North America by Geneon Entertainment and Enoki Films, who released the series on four DVD volumes between August 10, 2004 and March 1, 2005. A box set was later released on July 19, 2005 by Geneon. The series is now licensed by Funimation Entertainment, and released a box set of the series on May 26, 2009. The series is also licensed in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment and in the United Kingdom by MVM Films.