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List of Iggy Arbuckle characters

Iggy Arbuckle character
Iggy Arbuckle
Gender Male
Color Pinkish-white
Eye Color Aquamarine
Species Pig
First appearance Iggy Vs. the Volcano/A Dip in the Pole
Portrayer Jonathan Wilson
Agnieszka Kwietniewska (Polish)
Iggy Arbuckle character
Gender Male
Color Light brown
Eye Color Black
Species Beaver
Favourite Food Yak Cheese
First appearance "Iggy Vs. The Volcano/A Dip in the Pole"
Portrayer David Berni
Konrad Ignatowski (Polish)
Iggy Arbuckle character
Gender Female
Color Light brown
Eye Color Blue
Species Chipmunk
First appearance "Iggy Vs. the Volcano/A Dip in the Pole"
Portrayer Stephanie Milo
Stephanie Anne Mills
Anita Sajnóg (Polish)
Iggy Arbuckle character
Gender Male
Color Black and white
Eye Color Brown
Species Skunk
First appearance "The Things We Do for Mud/How Much Wood Can a Wood Pecker Peck?"
Portrayer Derek McGrath
Edwin de Jongh (Dutch)
Dariusz Stach (Polish)
Iggy Arbuckle character
Gender Female
Color Tan
Hair Colour Orange-red
Eye Color Black
Species Rat
First appearance "Iggy Vs. the Volcano/A Dip in the Pole" (Seen amongst the audience listening to Iggy's presentation)
Portrayer Novie Edwards
Magdalena Korczyńska (Polish)
Iggy Arbuckle character
Catfish Stu
Gender Male
Color Yellow
Eye Color Brown
Species Catfish
First appearance "Iggy Vs. the Volcano/A Dip in the Pole"
Portrayer James Rankin
Artur Święs (Polish)
Iggy Arbuckle character
Robear and Robert
Gender Both are male
Color Tan and Beige (each)
Eye Color Pale blue
Species Ferret
First appearance "Iggy Vs. the Volcano/A Dip in the Pole"
Portrayer Patrick McKenna (Robear)
Neil Crone (Robert)
Simon Zwiers (both; Dutch)
Anita Sajnóg (Robear; Polish)
Artur Święs (Robert; Polish)
Iggy Arbuckle character
The Great Bamzeani
Alias Yahank, Shmeaka, Frank
Gender All three figures are male
Color Various
Eye Color Blue, black and green
Species The first figure was a moose, the second figure was a bird and the last one is uncertain
First appearance "Iggy Vs. the Volcano/A Dip in the Pole"
Iggy Arbuckle character
Gender Female
Color Tan
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Blonde
Species Kangaroo
First appearance "Yawny Come Lately/Petition Impossible"
Portrayer Katie Bergin
Iggy Arbuckle character
Gender Male
Color Red
Eye Color Black
Species Hermit Crab
First appearance "Yawny Come Lately/Petition Impossible"
Portrayer James Rankin

The following is a list of the characters from the animated children's series Iggy Arbuckle. It consists of main, secondary, minor, and one-off characters.

Iggy Arbuckle, voiced by Jonathan Wilson, is the title character of the animated children's series Iggy Arbuckle, and the show's main protagonist. He is a white pig with large, aquamarine eyes, who wears a green forest ranger's uniform and a hat which has a ranger's badge on it.

He is the keeper of the Kookamunga. He has vast knowledge of the wilderness, and is in charge of making sure everything goes in proper order. However, in "A Whale of a Tale", Sir Percy Nibblemore reveals that Iggy only has authority over what goes on on dry land.

Iggy has been a nature lover since childhood, and has created a fictional worldwide organization dubbed the "Pig Rangers". These are a special type of forest ranger devoted to learning about and taking exceptional care of the global environment. Unfortunately, aside from Jiggers, there are no other official members (of any long-lasting standards). Pig Rangers in training are called "Pig Scouts". Iggy was apparently still a pig scout in the original comic strip, as this was what he refers to himself as in the dialogue, instead of a pig ranger.

As seen in "The Things We Do for Mud," the final exam to become a Pig Ranger has three steps:

The Pig Rangers have a special chant, which is recited after any great victory ("Oh, oink-a-bula, oink-a-bula, oink-a-bula, onh!"), and is accompanied by a dance.

A special gadget he possesses for his job is "Old Rusty", a one-of-a-kind pig-scout pocket device which contains many trinkets inside (e.g., a lemon grater, an eagle-calling whistle, and a boat motor). Jiggers sometimes adds new touches to Old Rusty, and has placed a homing device on it, seen in "Ol' Trusty".

