Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series that premiered on American Broadcasting Company (ABC) as a mid-season replacement on March 27, 2005. The series has aired for thirteen seasons, and focuses on the fictional lives of surgical interns and residents, as they gradually evolve into seasoned doctors, while trying to maintain personal lives. The show's premise originated with Shonda Rhimes, who serves as an executive producer, along with Betsy Beers, Mark Gordon, Krista Vernoff, Rob Corn, Mark Wilding, and Allan Heinberg. The series was created to be racially diverse, utilizing a color-blind casting technique. It is primarily filmed in Los Angeles. The show's title is a play on Gray's Anatomy, the notable human anatomy textbook.
Episodes have been broadcast on Thursday nights at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), since Grey's third season. The first two seasons aired after Desperate Housewives in the Sunday 10:00 pm EST time-slot. All episodes are approximately forty-three minutes, excluding commercials, and are broadcast in both high-definition and standard. The series' episodes are also available for download at the iTunes Store in standard and high-definition qualities, and Amazon Video, with new episodes appearing the day after their live airing. ABC Video on demand also releases episodes of the show, typically one to two days after their premiere. Recent episodes are available at ABC's official Grey's Anatomy website, and on Hulu. In 2009, ABC signed a deal allowing Grey's Anatomy episodes to be streamed on Netflix.