G.I. Joe: Renegades is an animated TV series, that premiered on November 26, 2010, on Hub Network, in the United States and January 9, 2011, on Teletoon, in Canada. The series aired on Fridays at 6:00pm Eastern/5:00pm Central, on Hub Network, and Sundays at 12:00pm Eastern/11:00am Central, on Teletoon.
Due to a later-than-intended series premiere, early episodes of Renegades aired out of their planned order on Hub Network, in order to facilitate the broadcast of the Christmas-themed "Homecoming" two-parter in time for the holidays. The list below reflects the intended viewing order of the series, as broadcast on Canadian network Teletoon, in reruns, and on the DVD and Blu-ray release of the series.
A team of five soldiers—Duke, Rip Cord, Tunnel Rat, Roadblock and Scarlett—are sent to investigate Cobra Pharmaceuticals. They discover Cobra's new top secret weapon, Bio-Vipers, but are discovered and are forced to blow the facility to save themselves.
After surviving the Cobra factory explosion, the team are framed for the explosion at Cobra Pharmaceuticals and are now known as the "Renegades" by the media. The team then goes after a surviving Bio Viper that is heading to Springfield. While Baroness and Doctor Mindbender oversee the "quarantine," General Abernathy sends Flint to get Lady Jaye to help him bring in Duke's team.
Posing as a preacher that helps veterans, Scrap-Iron kidnaps Tunnel Rat and uses him to test a weaponized "exo-armor" suit for James McCullen and his M.A.R.S. Industries. He meets Ralph Pulaski (a.k.a. Steeler) in another suit and they must battle each other to survive. Roadblock then attempts a rescue by allowing himself to be captured, but he is forced into an exo-suit as well. Now the rest of the Joes have to save him too.
The Joes make a pit stop in a small town in Kansas and quickly find themselves tangling with the Dreadnoks, their leader Zartan, and a cowardly local sheriff. Now they must race against time to help the locals free themselves from the Dreadnoks reign of terror, give the sheriff back his courage, put the whole gang behind bars, and get out of dodge before Flint arrives to arrest them.
The Baroness contacts mercenary Major Bludd to track down and assassinate a target—a former Cobra employee and internet blogger—who they believed stole one of their data scanners.
The Joes take refuge at Snake Eye's dojo where they train with him and meet his first apprentice Jinx. They also learn about his connection to Storm Shadow and their connected past in the Arashikage ninja clan.