Ah! My Goddess is an anime television series directed by Hiroaki Gōda, animated by Anime International Company, and produced by Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS). Composed by Himaguchi Shiro, the music was produced by Half H•P Studio with Iwanami Miwa as music director. The series was coordinated by both Hiroaki Gōda and You Watanabe, with Matsubara Hidenori as character designer. The series is based on the manga series Oh My Goddess! by Kōsuke Fujishima, using material from the first 20 volumes of the series over 24 episodes. The series focuses on Keiichi Morisato, a college student who accidentally summons a goddess, Belldandy, and wishes for her to remain with him forever. The season began broadcasting in Japan on TBS on January 7, 2005, and ended its run on July 8, 2005.Bandai Visual released the episodes in Japan between April 22, 2005 and November 25, 2005, as eight DVD compilations each containing three episodes. The two original video animations (OVAs), which had not been broadcast, were released on a special DVD on December 23, 2005. In Region 1, the anime was licensed to Media Blasters. Six DVD compilations, containing all twenty-six episodes, were released by Media Blasters from September 27, 2005 and July 11, 2006. Each DVD contained four episodes, excluding the first two, which contained five each. A premium complete season box set was released on November 7, 2006; the regular set followed on November 27, 2007.MVM Films distributed the series in the United Kingdom, with the individual volumes released between February 5, 2007 and December 3, 2007 in six similar DVD compilations. The box set followed in July 7, 2008.Madman Entertainment distributed the series in Australia, with the six individual volumes released between July 26, 2006 and December 6, 2006. The DVD collection containing all 26 episodes was released on October 10, 2007.