Lise Autogena (born 1964) is a Danish artist living in the UK. At the age of 17, she left home to live in Denmark's famous experimental community Christiania, an experience which she has said was very important in her development.
Autogena is best known for the Sound Mirrors project [1]. Inspired by the derelict acoustic mirrors at Denge, England, it aims to create two new sound mirrors on the coast of England with France which will enable people on either side of the English Channel to speak to each other. Her work tends to feature very lengthy and complex development, involving forming diverse communities of artists, business people, scientists, and children, who come together to work on each project. She says:
In 2001, Black Shoals, in collaboration with Joshua Portway, was shown at Tate Gallery, London. In 2004 she was recipient to a prestigious three-year National Endowment of Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) fellowship, aiding development of her work.