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Classification and external resources
Specialty infectious disease
ICD-10 B88.8

Linguatulosis is a condition associated with the organism Linguatula serrata.

The usual final host for Linguatula serrata is a carnivore, like a dog or jackal, and the species is sometimes known as the dog tongueworm for this reason.

More generally, linguatulosis can be considered a form of "pentastomiasis", which refers to all diseases caused by pentastomids, including porocephaliasis.

This disease is often accidentally identified during autopsy because of its asymptomatic effect on the body.

Human infestation by Linguatula was historically more commonplace than is sometimes realised. Human liver autopsies in Berlin from the early part of the 20th century revealed an infection rate of nearly 12%.

Humans can become infected in two ways: either as an intermediate host (visceral linguatuliasis) or as an accidental final host (nasopharyngeal linguatuliasis).

It is usually asymptomatic unless the complication and infection is severe. But in some recorded cases, symptoms include nasopharyngitis accompanied by pain, itching of throat and ears. Coughing, hemoptysis and vomiting are verifiable indications as well as sneezing, bleeding, dyspnea, and inflammation.

Eating raw or semi-cooked infected liver or lymph nodes infected with nymphal L. serrata causes severe symptoms in the human nasopharynx. Submaxillary and cervical lymph nodes sometimes enlarge and the neck is swollen. Complications include abscesses in the auditory canals, facial paralysis, and enlarged tonsils producing asphyxiation. These symptoms are well recognized as a disease call “halzoun syndrome” in Lebanon and nearby countries.

In Egypt, infected camels and buffalo may also be a source of infection for dogs, which are companions of man in desert and semi-desert areas where grazing is a major profession, and in villages, where dogs are also common. Infected dogs, in turn, are a source of infection to man who may be an intermediate host.

