In algebra, the Leibniz formula, named in honor of Gottfried Leibniz, expresses the determinant of a square matrix in terms of permutations of the matrix elements. If A is an n×n matrix, where ai,j is the entry in the ith row and jth column of A, the formula is
where sgn is the sign function of permutations in the permutation group Sn, which returns +1 and −1 for even and odd permutations, respectively.
Another common notation used for the formula is in terms of the Levi-Civita symbol and makes use of the Einstein summation notation, where it becomes
which may be more familiar to physicists.
Directly evaluating the Leibniz formula from the definition requires operations in general—that is, a number of operations asymptotically proportional to n factorial—because n! is the number of order-n permutations. This is impractically difficult for large n. Instead, the determinant can be evaluated in O(n3) operations by forming the LU decomposition (typically via Gaussian elimination or similar methods), in which case and the determinants of the triangular matrices L and U are simply the products of their diagonal entries. (In practical applications of numerical linear algebra, however, explicit computation of the determinant is rarely required.) See, for example, Trefethen & Bau (1997).