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Lars Westman

Lars Westman (born 27 September 1938 in Östersund) is a Swedish film maker and cartoonist.

He studied art (Kursverksamheten) at 1963; art and advertising at Beckmans Reklamskola Stockholm 1964; and Swedish Television Producer-school 1969

He has four children and nine grandchildren. He has worked for ten years as a typographer, and has been involved in filmmaking for nearly 50 years, primarily for Scandinavian television. Broadcast more than 280 films in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, US, satellite by Art and Discovery Channel. Three films for cinema in Scandinavia. Prizes in Canada, Germany, Bulgaria, Sweden, Brazil. Gained lifelong-stipendium for filmmakers in Sweden by the Swedish Cultural Ministry. Bo Widerbergs prize for the total production given by SVT, Swedish Filminstitute, Swedish Filmlaboratories, Swedish Filmmakers Union.

One of the projects, a series entitled AROUND THE WORLD took him to 42 countries.He has lived in West Africa and made 20 films about struggle and culture in Africa. He has depicted what the life of a seven-year-old boy can be like if he is born with a serious skin disease (The Fish Scale Disease) in VICTOR, A TRIUMPH. Together with midwife Signe Jansson he made a film, often shown in maternity wards, whose aim is to make our start in life easier: Birth. He has filmed underwater births in the Soviet Union, several programs on drought and starvation in Africa during the 1970s, several films about child development I CAN, I TRY, I DEAR TO. A film about calligraphy and the role of art in China FROM THE OLD COMES THE NEW. Followed striking mineworkers in 1969-70 in COMRADES, OUR ENEMIES ARE WELLORGANIZED. Portrayed a radioactive accident in Brazil I HAVE CECIUM IN MY BLOOD AND I AM SCARED. As well the effect of Chernobyl accident in Scandinavia LAPS, MOUNTAIN AND REINDEER.

He filmed his mother's life and death during 20 years, FACING DEATH. The building of the longest bridge in Europe between Sweden and Denmark WALKING ON WATER in six years for cinema and television. Films about art and poetry THE POETGENERAL, AMADO BAHIA, PICTURES UNDER THE SURFACE, WHAT IS THE DRAGON DOING IN SWEDEN?, FROM THE OLD COMES THE NEW. About the MSTs struggle for earth in Brasil OCUPAR, RESISTIR, PRODUZIR. At present Lars Westman is filming the roots of Shulamusic in Bahia, a second film about MST, following up the radioactive accident in Goiania and a film about love for Scandinavian television, THE LOVE FILM.

