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Lampert Hermán

Lampert Hermán
Seal of Lampert Hermán.jpg
Seal of Lampert Hermán, 1314
Judge royal
Reign 1314–1324
Predecessor John Csák
Successor Alexander Köcski
Died 4–5 July 1324
near Küküllő River (?), Transylvania, Kingdom of Hungary
Noble family gens Hermán

Lampert from the kindred Hermán (Hungarian: Hermán nembeli Lampert; died 4–5 July 1324) was an influential Hungarian nobleman, who served as Judge royal from 1314 until his death. He belonged to Charles I of Hungary's "new aristocracy", who supported the king's efforts to restore royal power in the first decades of the 14th century.

Lampert was born into the gens (clan) Hermán. His parents are unidentified, as a result there is inability to connect his person to the three known branches of the clan. He had a sister. Perhaps his father was Rubinus, a successful soldier of Ladislaus IV of Hungary, who also elevated to the position of Judge royal in the 1280s. According to Simon Kézai's Gesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum, the ancestor of the Hermán kindred, knight Herman originated from Nuremberg, who escorted Gisela of Bavaria to Hungary in 996. She married Stephen I of Hungary, the future first King of Hungary. Following that Herman received land donations in Vas County. Both magister Simon and the 14th-century Illuminated Chronicle described the Hermán kindred as "relatively poor".

His inherency to the Hermán kindred was proved by his seal which appeared in a document dated on 29 September 1313. His seal was first published by historian Imre Nagy in 1878. Previously Vilmos Fraknói claimed Lampert was a member of the Hont-Pázmány clan. Albert Nyári called him "Leszenyei", while Mór Wertner connected his person to the Csanád kindred, based on his last will and testament, where the historian identified his land property with locations in Krassó County, where the Csanáds owned the majority of the land. Historian János Karácsonyi recognized the dragon depiction in Lampert's seal and proved his origin. His degree of kinship to contemporary relative Lack Hermán, ancestor of the Lackfi family, is unknown, but their lands were located close to each other.

