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Lamme Valley Railway

Lamme Valley Railway
Train leaving Bad Salzdefurth station (21012)
Train leaving Bad Salzdefurth station (21012)
Route number: 373
Line length: formerly 32 km / 9
Track gauge: 1,435
Maximum speed: 60
Line from Hildesheim
31,7 Groß Düngen
Line to Goslar
29,4 Wesseln
27,6 Bad Salzdetfurth Solebad
26,3 Bad Salzdetfurth(formerly station, now halt)
22,8 Bodenburg(new halt)
22,4 Bodenburg(former station)
Line to Elze
19,1 Sehlem
18 Hanover–Würzburg HS line Kassemühle Valley Bridge
17,8 Harbarnsen
14,2 Graste
Würzburg–Hanover HSL (track cut, no overbridge)
12,3 Lamspringe
9,0 Gehrenrode
4,6 Altgandersheim
Line from Brunswick
0,0 Bad Gandersheim
Line to Kreiensen

The Lamme Valley Railway (German: Lammetalbahn) is a branch line, that branches off the Hildesheim–Goslar railway in Groß Düngen and continues today via Bad Salzdetfurth to Bodenburg. From there it used to continue via Lamspringe to Bad Gandersheim on the Brunswick–Kreiensen railway.

The surviving section of the railway, which lies wholly within the borough of Bad Salzdetfurth, serves today mainly as a tourist and commuter line. In this area the railway follows the river Lamme, which gave rise to the name of the line.

The line was opened between Groß Düngen and Bad Salzdetfurth on 1 October 1900. Wesseln station was opened on 1 November 1901. The extension of the line between Bad Salzdetfurth and Bodenburg followed on 7 November 1901. On the same day, the state railways opened an extension of the ElzeGronau branch line, in operation since 1 July 1900, to Bodenburg. The extension between Bodenburg and Lamspringe and to Bad Gandersheim was opened on 1 October 1902. Beginning in 1913, battery electric multiple units of the Wittfeld type were used on the line.

On 24 September 1966, the line between Bodenburg and Gronau was closed to passenger traffic. The freight services were closed in two stages, between Sibbesse and Gronau on 17 August 1970, and between Sibbesse and Bodenburg on 25 September 1974. On 27 September 1975, the line was closed to passenger traffic between Bodenburg and Bad Gandersheim, and on 31 May 1980 between Gronau and Elze.

