The Old Hungarian Lamentations of Mary (OHLM) (Hungarian: Siránkozások Mary) is the oldest extant Hungarian poem. It was copied in c. 1300 into a Latin codex, similarly to the first coherent Hungarian text, the Halotti beszéd (Funeral Oration), which was written between 1192 and 1195. Its text is a translation or adaptation of a version of the poem, or rather "sequence", that begins Planctus ante nescia and that was very widespread in medieval Europe. The speaker of the poem is the Blessed Virgin Mary as she laments the crucifixion of her Son, Jesus Christ while being at the side of His Cross on Calvary. As such the poem constitutes an element of Roman Catholic religious poetry. Its interpretation has been much discussed in Hungarian philology, and the meaning of some words and phrases remains disputed. Pais Dezső's interpretation is given herein, but it also relies on earlier relevant results.
Volek ſyrolm thudothlon
ſy rolmol ſepedyk.
buol oʒuk epedek ··
Sirolmol sepedik,
buol oszuk, epedek,
Nem ismertem a siralmat,
Most siralom sebez,
Fájdalom gyötör, epeszt.
I did not know the lament yet,
Now lament gashes,
Ache lacerates, languishes.
Walaſth vylagum tul
ſydou fyodumtul
eʒes urumētuul.
Választ világumtuul,
zsidou fiodumtuul,
ézes ürümemtüül.
Elválasztanak világosságomtól,
Zsidó fiamtól,
Édes örömemtől.
Separate me from my light,
Jew from my son,
My sweet delight.
O en eſes urodū
eggen yg fyodum
ſyrou a / / niath thekunched
buabeleul kyniuhhad.
Ó én ézes urodum,
eggyen-igy fiodum,
sírou anyát teküncsed,
buabeleül kinyuhhad!
Én édes Uram,
Egyetlenegy fiam,
Síró anyát tekintsed,
Fájdalmából kivonjad!
Scemem kunuel arad
en iunhum buol farad
the werud hullothya
en iū / hum olelothya