Lamentabili sane exitu ("with truly lamentable results") is a 1907 syllabus, prepared by the Roman Inquisition and confirmed by Pope Pius X, which condemned alleged errors in the exegesis of Holy Scripture and in the history and interpretation of dogma. The syllabus itself does not use the term 'modernist', but was regarded as part of the Pope's campaign against modernism in general and philosophical evolutionism in particular. The document (items 46 and 47) specifically affirmed that the Sacrament of Reconciliation was instituted by Jesus himself, as in the Gospel of John 20:22-23.
Published in July 1907, Lamentabili was soon to be superseded by the more comprehensive encyclical Pascendi dominici gregis, which came out in September 1907 and had been prepared in a small circle around the Pope, whereas the 1910 'antimodernist oath' Sacrorum Antistitum was again compiled in the Holy Office. Most of the condemned statements in Lamentabili were taken from the writings of Alfred Loisy and his 'school'. Other 'Modernists' like George Tyrrell were targeted only indirectly.
1. The ecclesiastical law that prescribes that books concerning the Divine Scriptures are subject to previous examination does not apply to critical scholars and students of scientific exegesis of the Old and New Testament.
2. The Church's interpretation of the Sacred Books is by no means to be rejected; nevertheless, it is subject to the more accurate judgment and correction of the exegetes.
3. From the ecclesiastical judgments and censures passed against free and more scientific exegesis, one can conclude that the Faith the Church proposes contradicts history and that Catholic teaching cannot really be reconciled with the true origins of the Christian religion.