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La Suerte Biological Field School

La Suerte Biological Field School, located in Northeastern Costa Rica, is one of two field schools operated by the Maderas rainforest conservancy (the other being the Ometepe Biological Field School in Nicaragua). The site is situated in a tropical rainforest basin. It houses courses in primatology, ecology, botany, and other courses related to the flora and fauna of Northeastern Costa Rica. This lowland Neotropical region remains one of the most biologically diverse in the world [1].The field station encompasses 700 acres (2.8 km2) containing a wealth of habitats including primary and secondary forests, swamps, marshes and pasture. In addition, much of the property lies along the Rio La Suerte, a flowing river that empties into the Caribbean at Tortuguero National Park [2].

The area is home to thousands of plant and insect species as well as hundreds of species of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The list of animals include three monkey species (white-face capuchins, mantled howlers and spiders), pacas and aguotis, keel-billed toucans, white-crowned parrots, strawberry poison-dart frogs, eyelash vipers and green iguanas. The Research Station and surrounding forests and farm were purchased by the Molina family in 1987. Since it was established in 1993, La Suerte has attracted over 550 students from across the United States, Canada, Latin America, India and Japan to study tropical rainforest ecology and conservation.[3]

The Field School offers broad undergraduate and graduate training in Neotropical field ecology. Classes are limited to around 22 students. With one senior faculty and three graduate teaching assistants per course, the small class size insures an optimal student to faculty ratio of 1 to 5. Courses include primate ecology and behavior, rainforest ecology, ornithology and herpetology. Designed to be "classrooms in nature", these hands-on courses get students into the field, designing and conducting individualized research projects. In previous years, students at La Suerte have chosen to study a wide range of topics such as positional and feeding behavior of capuchin monkeys, plant diversity between artificial and natural forest gaps, inter- and intrasexual territoriality in northern jacanas, effects of ultraviolet radiation on leaf-breeding frog eggs, activity patterns and diet in giant bala ants, and attitudes in the local community toward conservation. Additionally, several long-term research projects are on-going at La Suerte that include primate behavior, poison-dart frog territoriality, ant distribution and abundance, and bird-mediated plant succession in pastures. Over 30 students who have taken our courses have continued on to graduate training in anthropology, primatology and ecology. Students in each class conduct supervised but individual research projects. In some cases, the quality of these projects has resulted in their presentation at national scientific meetings. Graduate students are often hired as teaching faculty to assist in our field courses.[4]

