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Komaruddin Hidayat

Prof Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat
Komarudin Hidayat.jpg
Prof Dr Komaruddin Hidayat's Photo
9 Rector of Jakarta Islamic State University
Assumed office
Preceded by Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra
Succeeded by Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA
Personal details
Born (1953-10-18) October 18, 1953 (age 63)
 Indonesia Magelang, Indonesia
Occupation Rector of Jakarta Islamic State University

Komaruddin Hidayat (born October 18, 1953 in Magelang, Central Java) is a Muslim academic and intellectual from Indonesia. He has been rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) since 2006. His intellectual ability was demonstrated at several study and research institutions. Apart from his academic work, he was also a columnist in the mass media.

Komar has been close to the Islamic world since childhood, particularly the "pesantren" (Islamic boarding schools). He graduated from a modern boarding school in Pabelan (Magelang) in 1969 and the Pesantren al-Iman (Muntilan) in 1971. He then earned a BA in Islamic Education (1977) and a doctorate in the same area at IAIN Jakarta (the old UIN Jakarta) in 1981.

Komar continued his doctoral studies abroad. He received a doctorate in Western Philosophy at Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) in 1990.

Komar became a Professor at the Graduate Faculty of IAIN Jakarta in 1990, a lecturer with the Graduate Faculty of the University of Indonesia in 1992, and a professor at the School of Philosophy (STF) Driyarkara in since 1993. On October 17, 2006, in a senate meeting chaired by Azyumardi Azra in the main auditorium of UIN Jakarta, Komar was elected rector of the university. He won the electoral votes of two other candidates, Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah and Prof. Dr. Suwito.

Komar is a columnist in the mass media such as Kompas and Seputar Indonesia and Republika. He has sat on the Editorial Board of the magazine Ulumul Qur'an since 1991, the Editorial Board of Studia Islamika since 1994, and the Board of Editors of the Encyclopedia of the Islamic World. He is also Director of the Centre for Contemporary Islamic Development Studies (Pusat Kajian Pengembangan Islam Kontemporer), UIN Jakarta (since 1995). Since 1990 he has been a researcher with the Endowments Paramadina Foundation (Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina), Jakarta.

