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Kiyohara clan

Kiyohara clan
Home province Dewa
Parent house Imperial House of Japan
Titles Shugo
Founding year 8th century
Cadet branches Masahira Kiyohara
Iehira Kiyohara
Narihira Kiyohara

The Kiyohara clan (清原氏 Kiyohara-shi?) was a powerful clan of the far north of Japan during the Heian period, descended from Prince Toneri, son of Emperor Temmu (631-686).

Kiyohara no Fusanori (9th century) had two sons: the elder was the ancestor of the samurai branch family of Dewa province; the younger of the kuge (court nobles) branch of the clan.

The position of Governor of Dewa province was passed down within the family; the Kiyohara are particularly known for their involvement in the Zenkunen and Gosannen Wars of the 11th century.

The Early Nine Year's War (前九年合戦 Zenkunen kassen?) erupted in 1051, when Minamoto no Yoriyoshi and his son Yoshiie arrived in the north, from Kyoto, as agents of the Imperial court. They were there to put an end to a conflict between the Governor of Mutsu province (which bordered the Kiyohara's Dewa) and the Chinjufu shogun (Defender of the North), Abe no Yoritoki. The Kiyohara Governor of Dewa contributed warriors to the Minamoto effort, and aided in their victory over the Abe clan, which was achieved in 1063.

