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Kingdom of Serbia (1718-1739)

Kingdom of Serbia
Königreich Serbien
Crownland of the Habsburg Monarchy
Kingdom of Serbia (1718–39)
Capital Belgrade
Languages Serbian, German
Religion Roman Catholic,
Serbian Orthodox
Government Crownland
 •  1718–20 Johann O'Dwyer
 •  1738–39 George de Wallis
Historical era Early modern period
 •  Treaty of Passarowitz 21 July 1718
 •  Austro-Turkish War 1737–39
 •  Treaty of Belgrade 18 September 1739
Currency Kreuzer
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Ottoman Empire
Habsburg-occupied Serbia (1686–91)
Ottoman Empire

The Kingdom of Serbia (Serbian: Краљевина Србија/Kraljevina Srbija; German: Königreich Serbien; Latin: Regnum Serviae) was a province (crownland) of the Habsburg monarchy from 1718 to 1739. It was formed from the territories to the south of the rivers Sava and Danube, corresponding to the Sanjak of Smederevo (or "Belgrade Pashalik"), conquered by the Habsburgs from the Ottoman Empire in 1717. It was abolished and returned to the Ottoman Empire in 1739.

Although Habsburg rule was more oppressive than Ottoman and exploited the local Serb majority, the latter did benefit from self-government, including an autonomous militia, and economic integration with the Habsburg monarchy—reforms that contributed to the growth of the Serb middle class and were continued by the Ottomans "in the interest of law and order". Serbia's population increased rapidly from 270 000 to 400 000, but the decline of Habsburg power in the region provoked the second Great Serb Migration (1737–39).

In 1688–89, during the Great Turkish War, the Habsburg troops temporarily took control over most of present-day Serbia, but were subsequently forced into retreat. The Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699 recognized Ottoman authority over most of present-day Serbia, while the region of Bačka and the western part of Syrmia were assigned to the Habsburgs.

Another war broke out in 1716–18, in which Serbs massively joined the Habsburg troops. After the gains of 1718 (following the Treaty of Passarowitz), the Habsburgs sought to integrate Serbia into their empire. The land was officially named the "Kingdom of Serbia", because it was neither a part of the Holy Roman Empire nor the Kingdom of Hungary. The actual administration of the province was in the hands of an appointed governor. Not all the Serb-inhabited territory conquered by the Habsburgs in 1718 was included into Kingdom of Serbia. A large eastern province was administratively separate as the Banat of Temeswar.

