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King Dabiša

King of Bosnia
Reign 10 March 1391 – 8 September 1395
Predecessor Tvrtko I
Successor Jelena Gruba
Born after 1339
Died 6 September 1395
Burial Bobovac
Spouse Jelena Gruba
Issue Stana
House Kotromanić
Father Vladislav Kotromanić
Religion Roman Catholic

Stephen Dabiša (fl. 1391 – died 1395), was the King of Bosnia from 1391 to 1395 as a member of the Kotromanić dynasty. He was an illegitimate son of Vladislav Kotromanić and thus half-brother of King Stephen Tvrtko I.

Dabiša was an illegitimate son of Vladislav Kotromanić, born after his half-brother and King Stephen Tvrtko I (1338).

Dabiša succeeded Tvrtko I in 1391. At the time of his ascension to power, Bosnia was already decentralized by the semi-independent nobility. Beljak and Radič Sanković ruled independently in the Hum and Popovo. The Sankovići gave Konavle to the Republic of Ragusa, which then started to rile up Kotor and other Dalmatian cities from the Bosnian King's rule, asking them to reaccept the supreme rule of the Hungarian King Sigismund, but they refused. King Stephen Dabiša dispatched vojvoda Vlatko Vuković and knez Pavle Radenović to Konavle in 1391, where they kicked out the Sankovići and shared their lands among themselves. Beljak died and Radič was thrown into captivity, and this marked the end of the Sanković family. The Ottoman Empire started to invade Bosnia again and in 1392, King Stephen Dabiša dispatched Hrvoje Vukčić, who decisively defeated the Ottomans.

The rest of his reign, Dabiša spent quarrelling with the Hungarian King Sigismund and the King of Naples Ladislaus for control over Croatia and Dalmatia. King Ladislaus managed to win the Vukčić family to his side. Vuk Vukčić, Dabiša's Ban, took Ostrovica and Vrana from Ivaniš Paližna. Dabiša desired to put Zadar under his supreme rule, but Vuk worked for Ladislaus. Hrvoje Vukčić recognized Dabiša's supreme rule, stating that he would serve him as long as he breathed, after which he would serve the Hungarian King Sigismund.

