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Khuman (Gujarati: ખુમાણ) is a division of Kathi clan.

A Wala Rajput named Werawal had married a beautiful kathi kshatriya woman named Rupde. His descendants became known as "Sakhayat" Kathis, that is, Kathis with substance, while other Kathis became known as "Awaratyas." Werawal had three sons, Wala, Khuman, and Khachar who gave their names to the three great Sakhayat divisions of their tribe now existing.

These three Sakhayat divisions do not marry internally.

खुमान ===> वि० [सं० आयुष्मान्] बड़ी आयुवाला। दीर्घजीवी।(यह शब्द केवल स्थानिक रूप में प्रयुक्त हुआ है) पुं० शिवाजी महाराज की एक उपाधि।(यह शब्द केवल पद्य में प्रयुक्त हुआ है)

