Khortha is a village in Gorakhpur district in Uttar Pradesh, India, populated mostly by Nishads. It is 16 km from Gorakhpur city. Besides Nishads there are Yadavs, Harijans and other castes, although in small numbers. This village boasts the highest number of pucca Houses and is one of the most prosperous villages in Gorakhpur. It comes under Kauriram election block. The nearest police station is Khajni. It has its own post office under the aegis of Bhawapar post office.
Most of the people staying here are farmers who go to Mumbai during the off season for jobs. The literacy rate is low but a few educated individuals have risen to great heights and inspired others to do the same. One of them is Dr. Dinesh Gupta who is son of labour worker, is a cardiologist working in mumbai.
This village has given the best engineer like Ajay Kumar yadav.and few are pursuing there degree.