The Khillari (Kannada:ಖಿಲಾರಿ/Marathi:खिल्लारि) is breed of cattle, of the Bos indicus sub-species, native to Satara, Kolhapur and Sangli regions in Maharashtra and Bijapur, Dharwad and Belgaum districts of Karnataka in India. The breed is well adapted to the tropical and drought prone conditions present in the region and are favoured by the local farming community due to their ability to handle the hardships of farming. In spite of this, lately the breed is showing a steady decline in numbers mostly due the low milk yield which forms an alternate stream of income for the farming community.
The Khillari breed, with its several varieties, possibly owes its origin to the Hillikar breed of cattle from Mysore State or from the Maharashtra state. The name comes from "Khillar" meaning a herd of cattle, and Khillari meaning the herdsman.Mostly Khillari bulls are basically from Satara District of South Maharashtra.& also this animals are found in neighbouring districts of Sangli, Kolhapur & Solapur of Western Maharashtra.
The Khillari is between 4½ to 5½ feet tall and weighs between 800 and 1000 lbs.The typical Khillari animal is compact and tight skinned, with clean cut features and squarely developed hindquarters. The appearance is compact with stout strong limbs. The pelvis is slightly higher than the shoulders. The Khillaris of the Deccan plateau, the Mhaswad and the Atpadi Mahal types are greyish white in colour, the males having deeper colour over the forequarters and hindquarters, with peculiar grey and white mottling on the face. The Tapti Khillari is white with reddish nose and hooves. The Nakali Khillari is grey with tawny or brickdust color over the forequarters. Newly born calves have rust red coloured polls, but this disappears within a couple of months. Khillaris have a long narrow head with long horns sweeping back and then upward in a distinctive bow, and tapering to a fine point. The ears, coloured yellow inside are small, pointed and held sideways. The legs are round and straight with black hooves. The coat is fine, short and glossy.