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Kendayan people

Kendayan people
Dayak Kanayatn
Dayak Kanayatn.jpg
A Kendayan dancer in traditional attire performs at a church dedication service in Landak Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Total population
Regions with significant populations
 Indonesia (West Kalimantan)
Kendayan language, Ahe language, Nana language, Damea or Jare language, Ape language
Folk religion (predominantly), Christianity
Related ethnic groups
Bidayuh (Selako people)

The Kendayan (also known as Dayak Kenyan or Kanayatn) are an Indonesian ethnic group native to Kalimantan, Indonesia in Borneo. The population of the group is around 366,000.

Kanayatn languages encompass the Brahe, Badame, Jare, and Bang app languages. Socio-linguistically, it is very difficult to specify the language repertoire because it is used with various dialects and patois pronunciation. However, these languages are all considered a part of the Malayic language family which also includes Indonesia's official language, Malay.

The increased adoption of Indonesian words by the Kanayatn has drastically changed Dayak Kanayatn dialects for modern speakers. With many speakers of traditional dialects in the older generations, this change has resulted in communication problems between generations.

The Tangkitn is a unique weapon to the Kanayatn people and was used as their primary head-hunting weapon in the past. In the Salako language, the Tangkitn is also referred to as the Parang Pandat. The Kanayatn tribe employed shields to deflect attacks from swords. According to the Kanayatn people in Mempawah (Compaq-mem pa wah Hulu-mental-too-Sada Niang), there are two types of shields in Kanayatn culture: Gun amp and Jabakng. However, according to Kanayatn members in Landak (including sea Ambawang and Kuala Mandor), there is just one type of shield, namely Gun amp.

The original religion of the Kanayatn people is not the Kaharingan as it is with the Dayak people. Kanayatn Dayak's indigenous religion is inseparable from their customs (Adat). It can even be said their customs assert their religious identity. In daily practice, Kanayatn Dayak people never mention religion as their normative, but Adat (custom). This religious system is not a Hindu Kaharingan system.

Kanayatn people refer to God as Juba. Juba is said to have passed down indigenous customs to the ancestors of Dayak Kanayatn located in Bukit Ba wang (now entering the district Bengkayang). In expressing belief in Jubata, they have a place of worship called "panyugu" or "padagi" (kadiaman). It is also important for the panyangahatn priest to become a liaison between man and God (Jubata).

