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Karl von Grolman

Karl Wilhelm Georg von Grolman(n) (30 July 1777 – 1 June 1843) was a Prussian general who fought in the Napoleonic Wars.

Grolman was born in Berlin. He entered an infantry regiment at the age of thirteen years, was commissioned as an ensign in 1795, a second lieutenant in 1797, a first lieutenant in 1804, and a staff-captain in 1805. While still a subaltern, he had become one of Scharnhorst's intimate friends, and he was distinguished for his energetic and fearless character before the War of 1806. He served as a staff officer from Jena to the Peace of Tilsit and won the rank of major for distinguished service in action. After the downfall of Prussia and the subsequent peace, Grolman was one of the most active as Scharnhorst's assistants in the work of reorganization during 1809. He joined the Tugendbund and endeavoured to take part in Schill's abortive expedition, after which he entered the Austrian service as a major on the general staff.

Thereafter he journeyed to Cadiz to assist the Spanish against Napoleon and he led a corps of volunteers in the defence of that port against Marshal Victor in 1810. He was present at the Battle of Albuera, at Saguntum, and at Valencia, and became a prisoner of war at Valencia. Soon, however, he escaped to Switzerland, and in 1813 he returned to Prussia as a major on the general staff. He served successively under Colonel von Dolffs and General von Kleist as commissioner at the headquarters of the Russian general Barclay de Tolly.

