Karl Ludwig Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg (22 March 1902, Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Lower Franconia – 23/24 April 1945)
The von Guttenberg family originates back to 1149 in Franconia (northern part of Bavaria) in the southern part of Germany. Karl Ludwig Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg studied law and history in Munich and graduated in 1929. In that year he married Therese, Princess Schwarzenberg. They had two daughters and one son.
Karl Ludwig von Guttenberg was a catholic monarchist who started publishing the "White Papers; Journals on History, Tradition and State" (formerly called "Monarchy") in 1934. Amongst its authors were Reinhold Schneider, Jochen Klepper, Ulrich von Hassell and Werner Bergengruen. The White Papers (in German: "Weiße Blätter") soon became an important organ and also a meeting place, through their publishers many various contacts, for the conservative opposition against the Nazi regime under Hitler. Karl Ludwig Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg first introduced Carl Goerdeler and Ulrich von Hassell to each other in 1939.
In 1941, von Guttenberg was ordered to work in Counter-intelligence at the Foreign Affairs Office in Berlin through the help of Ludwig Beck. There, von Guttenberg worked under Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and belonged to the circle around Hans von Dohnanyi, Justus Delbrück, and Hans Oster.