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Author Jayamkondar
Country India
Language Tamil
Genre Epic poetry

Kalingatteuparani is a 12th-century Tamil poem and a war song by Jayamkondar, celebrating the victory of Kulottunga Chola I over the Kalinga king, Anantavarman Chodaganga in the Chola-Kalinga war. It gives a vivid and a graphic description of battle scenes. It is hailed as one of the master-pieces of Tamil literature with its majestic style and diction.Kulottunga Chola I is the protagonist and the hero of this work. Jayakondar, the court poet, touches on various sections such as lineage of the king, his birth, his family, the training in warfare that he received as a child, his accession to the throne, his exploits and his subsequent move to the city of Kanchi. The author then proceeds to explain the training that Kulothunga received in warfare and his heroics in Vayiragaram and Chakrakottam while he was still young. Next he proceeds to talk about his queens and how one day the king wanted to move his capital to Kanchi. Finally, he touches on the circumstances which led to the Kalinga war. Karunakara Thondaiman, a Pallavan prince and a feudatory will distinguish himself in this affair.

