John Seybert (1791 – 1860) was an American bishop of the Evangelical Association. He was only the second Bishop of this denomination, a predecessor to the Evangelical United Brethren Church (and the United Methodist Church). He was elected at the General Conference of 1839.
Seybert was born 7 July 1791 in Manheim, Pennsylvania and died 4 January 1860 near Flat Rock, Ohio. His father, Henry, had been a German mercenary soldier in the British army during the American Revolutionary War. He was captured and imprisoned at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After the war he became something of an indentured servant to a Mr. Schaffner, serving for three years. In 1790 Henry was married to Susan Kreuzer. Two of their four sons survived to maturity, John and David.
John, Sr. was confirmed in the Lutheran faith. He received an elementary education in German and English. The family prospered, John receiving in 1806 at his father's death a farm near Manheim. One year after Henry's death, John's mother deserted her sons and entered a religious community at Harmony, Pennsylvania, called the Rappites. Though John maintained contact with her until his death, her actions permanently alienated David from their mother.
Though raised, even confirmed, a Lutheran, John was converted at a revival held by an itinerant Evangelical preacher, Matthias Betz, in Manheim, 21 June 1810. Immediately he showed great zeal for the Christian faith. He was chosen as class leader of a class that met in Manheim. He was also recruited as class leader of a class that met in nearby Mount Joy.