John B. Judis is an author and American journalist, an editor-at-large at Talking Points Memo, a former senior writer at The National Journal and a former senior editor at The New Republic.
Judis was born in Chicago. He attended Amherst College and received B.A. and M.A. degrees in Philosophy from the University of California at Berkeley. In 1969 he was a founding editor of Socialist Revolution (which was later renamed Socialist Review and then Radical Society before ceasing publication in 2009). In the 1970s he was a founding editor of the East Bay Voice. He moved to Chicago in December 1976 to become the foreign editor of In These Times, a democratic socialist weekly. Judis moved to Washington in 1982. He started writing for The New Republic in 1984, became a contributing editor in 1989, and joined the regular staff in 1995. He quit in December 2014 along with other editors in protest of the owner Chris Hughes' firing of the editor and plan to turn the magazine into a profit-making vehicle.
He has also written for GQ, Foreign Affairs, Mother Jones, The New York Times Magazine, and The Washington Post.
In 1988, he published a biography, William F. Buckley: Patron Saint of the Conservatives; in 1992, Grand Illusion: Critics and Champions of the American Century; in 2000, The Paradox of American Democracy. In 2002, he published The Emerging Democratic Majority (co-written with political scientist Ruy Teixeira), a book arguing that Democrats would retake control of American politics by the end of the decade, thanks in part to growing support from minorities, women, and well-educated professionals. Its title was a deliberate echo of Kevin Phillips' 1969 classic, The Emerging Republican Majority. The book was named one of the year's best by The Economist. Later in 2015, in an essay the The Emerging Republican Advantage he revised this view as he noted that the long term Democratic Majority had given way to an "unstable equilibrium" between the parties.