Jaripeo ɣarípeo is a form of bull riding practiced mainly in Central and Southern Mexico that developed in the 16th century. Originally it was a form of bull fighting where the rider rode the bull to death, but evolved into a form where the rider simply tried to ride the animal until it stopped bucking. Today, there is a modern form in the charreada. It also requires the rider to try to stay on the bull until it tires and stops and stops bucking. Five different styles of bull riding are practiced in Mexico.
Dating back to the 16th century, the Charro style is the oldest of all four Mexican jaripeo styles. It is normally part of the charreada, where it is known as Jineteo de Toro (Bull Riding), but can also be held as a stand-alone event.
The Tierra Caliente (also known as the Michoacan or lazo) style is the most widely practiced of all the jaripeo styles.
The Colima (also known as the grapa) style comes from the central-western state of Colima.
The San Luis Potosi (or simply San Luis) style comes from the north-central state of San Luis Potosi.
American Style bull riding (eight seconds) is practiced throughout Mexico, but is most popular in the Northern region. It is referred to as Jaripeo in parts of Guatemala and El Salvador.