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Japan Bank for International Cooperation

The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (国際協力銀行 Kokusai Kyōryoku Ginkō?), or JBIC, is a Japanese public financial institution and export credit agency that was created on October 1, 1999, through the merger of the Japan Export-Import Bank (JEXIM) and the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF).

JBIC is the international wing of the Japan Finance Corporation (JFC) (日本政策金融公庫 Nihon seisaku kin-yu kohko?) (administered by the Ministry of Finance) established on October 1, 2008. The bank is wholly owned by the Japanese government, and its budget and operations are regulated by the JBIC law. It is headquartered in Tokyo and operates in 18 countries with 21 offices. The main purpose of the institution is to promote economic cooperation between Japan and overseas countries by providing resources to foreign investments and by fostering international commerce. It has a major role in promoting Japanese exports and imports, and the country's activities overseas. The bank's presence can be seen both in developed and developing countries. It tries to contribute to the stability of the international financial order and to the promotion of sustainable development. It follows a policy of not competing with ordinary financial institutions. The bank is one of the instruments of Japan's official development assistance (ODA), which contributes to the execution of the country's foreign policy. As it aims at sustainable development, JBIC is concerned about social and environmental issues, and requires environmental impact assessment studies to provide funding to any project.

