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Janko group J2

In the area of modern algebra known as group theory, the Janko group J2 or the Hall-Janko group HJ is a sporadic simple group of order

J2 is one of the 26 Sporadic groups and is also called Hall–Janko–Wales group. In 1969 Zvonimir Janko predicted J2 as one of two new simple groups having 21+4:A5 as a centralizer of an involution (the other is the Janko group J3). It was constructed by Hall and Wales (1968) as a rank 3 permutation group on 100 points.

Both the Schur multiplier and the outer automorphism group have order 2.

J2 is the only one of the 4 Janko groups that is a subquotient of the monster group; it is thus part of what Robert Griess calls the Happy Family. Since it is also found in the Conway group Co1, it is therefore part of the second generation of the Happy Family.

It is a subgroup of index two of the group of automorphisms of the Hall–Janko graph, leading to a permutation representation of degree 100. It is also a subgroup of index two of the group of automorphisms of the Hall–Janko Near Octagon, leading to a permutation representation of degree 315.

It has a modular representation of dimension six over the field of four elements; if in characteristic two we have w2 + w + 1 = 0, then J2 is generated by the two matrices

