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James Litton

James Litton directed the American Boychoir from 1985 to 2001 and is widely recognized as one of the leading choral conductors of the day.

Dr. Litton has conducted choral and orchestral works throughout five continents, and regularly leads workshops and seminars in the United States and abroad. During past seasons he has conducted the Berkshire Choral Festival, at the Tanglewood Music Festival, and at music festivals in Canada, in Prague, Guatemala, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, France, Poland, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and South Africa.

Dr. Litton is the founder of a number of choral ensembles, including community choruses, college, church and school choirs in West Virginia, Connecticut, Indiana, New York, and New Jersey. He has conducted choral groups, chamber music ensembles, and orchestras in more than 40 recordings, including many American Boychoir CDs on such labels as Angel Records, Philips Records, Sony Music Entertainment Inc., Virgin Records, Bertelsmann Music Group, Linn Records, and Music Masters. His most recent recordings include “Sing in Exultation,” a CD of music for the Advent and Christmas seasons with the Choirs of Washington National Cathedral, and “Sound from Heaven” with soprano Anna Maria Friman and the Girl Choristers of the cathedral. An avid writer for professional journals, with more than fifty articles to his credit, Dr Litton has also edited several books and collections of liturgical music.

Prior to his recent appointments, and his tenure at the American Boychoir School, Dr. Litton was organist and director of music at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, New York for 13 years, and for an additional five years was the artistic consultant for the church. Earlier, he was assistant professor of organ and head of the church music department at Westminster Choir College of Rider University, and later, the C.F. Seabrook Director of Music at Princeton Theological Seminary. He has also served as visiting lecturer at Virginia Theological Seminary and at Sewanee: The University of the South. He has been a member and vice chairman of the Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission on Church Music, and participated in the preparation and publication of the Episcopal Hymnal 1982. Also, he was the editor of the Plainsong Psalter for the Episcopal Church. As a church musician, James Litton has had earlier appointments in Charleston, West Virginia, his native city; in Plainfield, New Jersey; in Southport, Connecticut; at the Episcopal Cathedral in Indianapolis, Indiana, and at Trinity Church in Princeton, New Jersey. He has played organ concerts throughout the United States and Canada, and during concert tours in Europe, South Africa, and Asia.

