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Jakob Jonilowicz

Jakob JonilowiczHebrew: יעקב יונילוביץ‎‎ (1908–1975) was an Israeli cinematographer.

Jonilowicz was born in Vilna, at that time part of the Russian Empire. He studied cinematography in Paris.

In 1936 he was the photo director of the film Yidl Mitn Fidl – (English:Yiddle with his Fiddle, German:Jidl mitn Fidl, Polish:Judel gra na Skrzypcach).

In 1939 he returned to Vilna (Wilno), when Germany started World War II, to help his family. He survived the Holocaust. After the war he was director of photography of Lang ist der Weg (Long is the Road), Germany 1947–48. Later he moved to Israel.

Jonilowicz directed the photography of the following films:

In 1961 he filmed the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem.

Jonilowicz married Dolly Kobryner (Dolly Jonilowicz, 1908–1944), a US citizen born in New York and dedicated to photo editing; she was killed by Germans in German-Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. He had a daughter in Israel, Tali Jonilowicz (1953), with his second wife, Hanna Jonilowicz (1925–1999).

Jakob Jonilowicz died in Israel in 1975.

An article published in Vilna, 1936, in the Der Wilner Ekspres (Der Wilner Express) tells us about Jakob Jonilowicz' childhood and life before World War II. Following is a translation from the original article in Yiddish.

These days arrived to Vilna Jakob Jonilowicz, who is a world-famous film operator.

Jonilowicz is a young Jewish Vilner that came here to meet his parents that have an eyewear shop in 38 Zavalne St. {now Pylimo Street where is the main entrance of the state-sponsored Jewish museum}

This young man thanks to his unprecedented ability did an immense career during a few years, even not seen in a movie.

He was born in Vilna, graduating here in the “TRO-Gymnasium” {Tagen Religiöser Orientierung Gymnasium - Secondary school with daily religious orientation} and studied a few years in the Faculty of Arts of the local University.

Here this young man showed a great ability, especially in artistic photography, in such a manner his photos have been shown in exhibitions abroad with a great success.

