Iwatsuki Domain (岩槻藩 Iwatsuki-han?) was a feudal domain under the Tokugawa shogunate of Edo period Japan, located in Musashi Province (modern-day Saitama Prefecture), Japan. It was centered on Iwatsuki Castle in what is now part of Iwatsuki-ku, Saitama.
Iwatsuki was an important strongpoint of the Odawara Hojo clan. However, following the destruction of that clan at the Battle of Odawara of 1590, the territory came under the control of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who assigned a 20,000 koku domain to one of his most trusted retainers, Kōriki Kiyonaga. Following the Siege of Osaka, his grandson Kōriki Tadafusa was awarded with a promotion to the 35,000 koku Hamamatsu Domain in 1619. The following year, in 1620, the rōjū Aoyama Tadatoshi was awarded Iwatsuki with holdings of 55,000 koku. He subsequently fell from favor and was demoted to the 20,000 koku Ōtaki Domain in 1623.
Abe Masatsugu was transferred to Iwatsuki in 1638 from Odawara Domain. The Abe clan ruled Iwatsuki over the next five generations until 1681, gradually increasing their holdings to 95,000 koku. After their transfer to Miyazu Domain, they were replaced by Itakura Shigetane (1681-1682), Toda Tadamasa (1682-1686), Matsudaira Tadachika (1696-1697) Ogasawara Nagashige (1697-1710) and his son Ogasawara Nagahiro (1710-1711).