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Katagami (型紙) or Ise-katagami (伊勢型紙?) is the Japanese craft of making paper stencils for dyeing textiles. It is designated one of the Important Intangible Cultural Properties of Japan. The art is traditionally centered on the city of Suzuka in Mie Prefecture. This is good for making a certain shape or picture within your project. It is different from IseWashi though both are made in Mie Prefecture.

Multiple layers of thin washi paper are bonded with a glue extracted from persimmon, which makes a strong flexible brown coloured paper. The designs can be extremely intricate, and consequently fragile. Nowadays the stencils are sometimes sold as artwork, attached to hand fans, or used to decorate screens and doors in Japanese rooms. For kimono printing the stencils are stabilized by attaching them to a fine silk net. In past times, human hair was used instead of silk, but silk is less likely to warp and can be finer.

Three sheets of washi (和紙?) or Japanese paper are pasted together with kakishibu (柿渋?), tannin-rich persimmon juice. The pattern is excised using a variety of tools known as dōgu-bori (道具彫り?). Four principal cutting techniques are used:

