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International Romani Union

The International Romani Union (Romani: Romano Internacionalno Jekhetanipe) is an organization active for the rights of the Romani people. Its seat is in Prague.

The IRU was officially established at the second World Romani Congress in 1978. Its presidents have included Stanislav Stankiewicz, Emil Ščuka, and before him, Rajko Đurić who held this office for many years. The Spanish organisation Union Romani is affiliated with the International Romani Union.

The IRU aims to represent all of the world's Romani peoples; to help encourage their continued cultural and linguistic development; to help resolve a variety of economic and social problems faced by Romani peoples; to connect the work of different organizations and countries toward these ends; and to support human rights for all.

The IRU has member organizations in the following countries:

The IRU consists of four bodies: Congress, Parliament, Presidium, Court of Justice.

The IRU Congress of the IRU includes delegates from member organizations, in proportion to the total Romani population in that country. Delegates can make individual recommendation for the IRU, and together, they may choose whether to accept the IRU programme.

Unlike the Congress, the Parliament is made up of a single representative (and one substitute) from each member country. Parliament accepts reports on the situation of Romani peoples around the world, and decides the domestic and international policies of the IRU. Delegates must also approve each year's budget.

The Presidium serves as the IRU's executive, and conducts work through sub-commissions on "foreign policy, social and economic affairs, cultural and educational affairs, human rights, internal affairs, financial and budgetary matters, legal and legislative matters, issues relating to Central and Eastern Europe, and issues relating to America, Asia and Australia." It may request studies and reports on a variety of topics, and make formal recommendations to other IRU bodies, or to individual countries or organizations.

Members of the Court of Justice are independent judges, elected for their personal integrity, regardless of their membership in the IRU. The Court is tasked with observing all bodies of the IRU and ensuring their observance of the organization's rules and regulations.

Roma Virtual Network is a public, non-partisan, non-profit grass-roots organization under the umbrella of ERIO and of IRU.

